Home Making slugs with JavaScript and regular expressions

Making slugs with JavaScript and regular expressions

You will sometimes want to generate a suitable URL ‘slug’ based on something the user has entered, such as the name of a blog post, or perhaps the name of a file which is being uploaded.

In order to ensure that your URLs are consistent, valid, and unambiguous, it is common to restrict the slug to ASCII letters (lower-case only), numbers, and dashes (-). For example, a blog post called “Hello World!” might have a resulting slug of “hello-world”. Additionally, it is common to remove leading and trailing dashes from the final slug.

In this post, I’ll introduce a way of doing this in pure JavaScript.

Why JavaScript?

JavaScript is the standard client-side scripting language on the web, enabling all sorts of dynamic and interactive behaviour. For example, it might be useful for a form to automatically generate a slug based on something the user is typing. For WordPress does it when you type the name of a new blog post.


First, convert the string to lowercase:

str = str.toLowerCase();

We could then use a regular expression to convert all invalid characters into dashes:

str = str.replace(/[^a-z0-9\-]/g, '-');

That line might look a little odd if you are not familiar with regular expressions (see the JavaScript reference on the RegExp object for full details). The part in square brackets says “find any character which is not in ranges a-z or 0-9, and which isn’t a dash”. The /g tells it to find all matches (not just the first one). And the ‘-‘ at the end tells it to replace each of these matching characters with a dash (-).

That regular expression is quite effective, but if you try putting in “Hello !-# World” then the output slug will be “hello—–world”. This is because each invalid character was replaced by a dash one-by-one, resulting in multiple consecutive dashes. This is not ideal, so we can refine our regular expression to look like this:

str = str.replace(/[^a-z0-9]+/g, '-');

The difference is subtle. Firstly, we’ve taken the dash out of the square brackets. This means that all dashes will be replaced too. Secondly, we’ve put a plus sign after the square brackets. This means it will no longer match one character at a time. Instead, it will match groups of 1 or more consecutive characters, and replace the whole group with a single dash. That means our “Hello !-# World” example becomes simply “hello-world”.

We’re not quite done yet though, because we haven’t taken leading and trailing dashes into account. If we put “!Hello World!” into our code so far, we’d end up with a slug saying “-hello-world-“. The leading and trailing dashes are unsightly so how do we get rid of them?

The simplest and most readable way is probably to use string functions to check/replace the first and last characters explicitly. However, a cleaner and possibly more efficient way would be to use a second regular expression replace. This is in addition to the one above:

str = str.replace(/^-+|-+$/g, '');

Once again, regular expressions can be difficult to understand if you are new to them. Going from left to right, here’s what it means:

  • ^-+ = Match a group of one or more consecutive dashes at the beginning of the line.
  • | = Match either what’s on the left or on the right of this character.
  • -+$ = Match a group of one or more consecutive dashes at the end of the line.
  • g = Replace all instances in the string.

It is important to realise that this means a slug consisting only of invalid characters or dashes will be completely emptied by this operation. For example, if you tried to generate the slug of “-!=–#”, you would get an empty string.

There are other ways to do the same thing. Instead of replacing the leading and trailing dashes with nothing, you could create a regular expression which extracts everything between the leading and trailing slashes.

Putting it all together

We could put our code into a function. This lets us pass a string to the function, and get a slug back out:

function make_slug(str)
    str = str.toLowerCase();
    str = str.replace(/[^a-z0-9]+/g, '-');
    str = str.replace(/^-+|-+$/g, '');
    return str;
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